(+359) 899 84 40 47 office@viatech.bg

Examination for energy efficiency

VIATEH-CO Ltd. is registered in the public register of the Sustainable Energy Development Agency of the companies performing energy efficiency audits and certification of buildings according to Article 44, Paragraph 1 of the Energy Efficiency Act (EEA); carrying out energy efficiency audits of industrial systems in accordance with Article 60, Paragraph 1 of the EEA.

Preparation of energy efficiency assessments of investment projects

Examination energy efficiency audit of heating installations with boilers over 70 kW

Examination energy efficiency audit of industrial systems

Audit and certification of buildings and issuance of Energy Performance Certificate
Examination energy efficiency audit of air-conditioning installations having nominal power over 70 kW

Examination energy efficiency audit of exterior artificial lighting systems

Why choose us?


We have experience that we want to share.

We are able of resolving complex cases in a legible language.
We believe in the individual approach to the customer and focus on the submission of an informed choice.
We are dedicated to meeting the deadlines and to quality service provision.
Our top priority is always you – our customers!

How can we help you?

Audits of the energy efficiency and certification of buildings, energy efficiency check of heating installations with water-heating boilers and of air-conditioning installations in buildings, evaluation of the compliance of investment designs of buildings in terms of the energy efficiency requirements and preparation of an evaluation of energy savings in accordance with Article 43, Paragraph 1 and Article 54, Paragraph 1 of the Energy Efficiency Act

Energy efficiency audit and preparation of an evaluation of energy savings of enterprises, industrial systems and external artificial lighting systems in accordance with Article 59, Paragraph 1 of the Energy Efficiency Act.

More than 2 100 audits

Public and administrative buildings, universities, schools, kindergartens, multi-family residential homes, small, medium-sized and large enterprises, agricultural holdings (farms), etc.

Contact Us

12 + 14 =

Sofia, ul. 6-ti septemvri 38, floor 4, office 8

(+359) 888 779 796
