(+359) 899 84 40 47 office@viatech.bg

Certified company
for energy efficiency

VIATECH-CO LTD is a company licensed by the Sustainable Energy Development Agency. Our team has more than 15 years of experience in energy efficiency audit.


Audit and certification of buildings for energy performance
Preparation of energy efficiency assessments of investment projects
Energy efficiency audit of heating installations with water-heating boilers over 20 kW
Energy efficiency audit of air-conditioning installations
Energy efficiency audit of industrial systems
Energy efficiency audit of exterior artificial lighting systems

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Energy efficiency audits

How can we help you?

Audits of the energy efficiency and certification of buildings, energy efficiency check of heating installations with water-heating boilers and of air-conditioning installations in buildings, evaluation of the compliance of investment designs of buildings in terms of the energy efficiency requirements and preparation of an evaluation of energy savings in accordance with Article 43, Paragraph 1 and Article 54, Paragraph 1 of the Energy Efficiency Act.

Energy efficiency audit and preparation of an evaluation of energy savings of enterprises, industrial systems and external artificial lighting systems in accordance with Article 59, Paragraph 1 of the Energy Efficiency Act.



15 years of experience
in energy efficiency

The team of VIATECH-CO LTD has achieved serious positions in the field of energy efficiency. We enjoy an excellent image witnessed by the great number of Contracting Authorities who believed in us.

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More than
2 100 projects

For 15 years of work in the energy efficiency we have audited more than 2 100 projects: public and administrative buildings, universities, schools, kindergartens, multifamily residential homes, small, medium-sized and large enterprises, agricultural holdings (farms), etc.

Energy efficiency audits have been elaborated under the following operational programmes:

Programme “Demonstrational renovation of multi-family residential homes”
Programme “Demonstrational renovation of multi-family residential homes”
Lead role in a partnership, as a PROJECT MANAGER for the city of Sofia under project BG161РО001-1.2.01-0001 “ENERGY RENOVATION OF BULGARIAN HOMES” under the scheme BG161PO001/1.2-01/2011 “Support for Energy Efficiency in Multi-Family Residential Homes” under Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013.
Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013
Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013, (OPRD) – schools and kindergartens, theatres of the Ministry of Culture, dormitories and academic wards of the Ministry of Education, universities, community centres (chitalishta), etc.
The Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF), administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Energy Efficiency Fund and the World Bank, as well as under the Operational Program "Regional Development"
National programme for “Energy Efficiency of Multi-Family Residential Buildings“
Competitiveness “Energy Efficiency of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”.
Measure 121 “Modernization of agricultural holdings”.
Measure 4.1 “Investments in agricultural holdings” of Operational Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020.
Measure 4.2 “Investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products” under Operational Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020, etc.

Contact Us

15 + 9 =

Sofia, ul. 6-ti septemvri 38, floor 4, office 8

(+359) 888 779 796
